Madison is a classic name.
If you are an adult with the name madison, then you are just fucking weird because no one knew of the name then..
If you are a teenager with the name Madison, You are probably blonde and sexy and fucking amazing, because u were named after the Mirmaid in the movie Splash from the 80's..
If you are a child with the name Madison..Then Im sorry, you are just a little clone of the sexy Madison's in their teens and 20's..
Madison's tend to be popular, outgoing, EXTREMELY hot, and with the advantage of being popular, they know just about everyone's secrets.
Also the name of a bangin blonde who is also a certified badass.
a common female name.
when most people think of madison the think blonde hair blue eyes.
while this is true there are much more characteristics that accompany this name.
Madison is a nice person who knows how to deal with problems, the right way. She is extremely smart. Though she tends to get angry easily, she is an all around good person.
Madison is not a "girly-girl", in fact she is anything but.
She isnt afraid to take charge and lead a situation.
she loves to help her friends and feel appreciated.
a slut, a girl who talks to more than five guys at a time
1. Noun: Disguised as a skinny tramp that some superficial males may tend to fawn over, but deep down under that pathetic façade is the TRUE WHIDBEY WHALE.
2. Noun: A cum guzzling gutter whore with a wind tunnel between her legs AND she truly enjoys the breeze.
3. Noun: Tries to take men for all that they’re worth and then throw them away once they are finished, but in the event that ANY woman should even talk to the discarded male she would COMPLETELY lose her mind and spout off false accusations to the authorities and stalking the said individuals during the night.
"Damn...That girl is fiiinnnee...She is so hot her name must be Madison!"
I have WAY too much time on my hands. But wine country is hella boring. HELLA boring. I've become a "social recluse," as my dad says. I sit in my room, blast music, sit on my Myspace talking to friends from Malibu that I miss dearly, and I only come out for food and to take pictures of thing.
I've decided I want to be a photographer.
Anyways if you've been around this lame excuse for a blog, you'll see I've taken everything down. All the old posts, pictures, etc.
Fresh start anyone?
Yay. :)
Anywho, I'm just here to vent. Because gayspace is pissing me off. It's crawling and writhing with whores! Now watch out, I'm on a roll. Turn back now.
SO. AS I WAS saying, I was talking to this rather attractive young fellow who was in my Spanish class this year. ;) He's a junior. And because I was a nerd, I was in advanced classes, with older students. WELL. I heard a little rumor along the grapevine during school that he though I was pretty hot, and I just smiled, boosted my ego, and filed that little tid bit of information away for later. Just recently, I stumbled upon his myspace. Automatic add, of course. It's good to be friends with everyone, just so you're up to date on the comings and goings of the general student population. Well, whadaya know, just last night he struck up a conversation - a little comment saying "Oh hey!"
BAM. i totally jumped on the opportunity. I clicked that little button "reply" and went straight to his comment board. And that's where things went downhill.
So there's this slut. Her name is Adriana. She flirts with everyone. ANYONE and EVERYONE. And on top of it, she's actually kinda cute. But she talks shit about people she doesn't even know, including me. That really grinds my gears. Anyway I really couldn't resist, so I scrolled down and read everything she wrote. Phrases like "Gee you're really cute" and "Of course, I'll totally say hi to you at school" caught my eye.
I see her nasty little icon on every relatively decent-looking boys myspace page. She tries to chat up everyone, and they all fall for her little tricks. It makes me wanna go throw up in the bathroom and have my french toast breakfast revisit me. GR.
Anyway, that's all for now. I hate whores.
Bye! :)